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R. Blum, S. Häberling, Karim Khakzar, H.-M. Pohl
New User Interfaces for the Sales Process Support
In User Interfaces For All (UI4All)
9th ERCIM Workshop, Königswinter (Bonn), Germany
R. Blum, S. Häberling, K. Khakzar, St. Westerman
User Interfaces for an in-store Sales Process Supporting System
In International Joint Conferences on Computer, Information, and Systems Sciences, and Engineering (CIS²E 06)
E-Conference, Springer-Verlag
W. Korn, A. Puder, S. Häberling
X11 → XML11 - Ajax-Anwendungen mit XML11
In Java Magazin 02/07
Software Support Verlag GmbH
A. Volz, R. Blum, S. Häberling, K. Khakzar
Automatic, Body Measurements Based Generation of Individual Avatars Using Highly Adjustable Linear Transformation
In HCI International 2007 (HCI2007)
Peking, China, Springer-Verlag
A. Puder, S. Häberling, R.Todtenhöfer
An MDA Approach to Byte Code Level Cross–Compilation
In The Ninth ACIS International Conference on Software Engineering, Artificial Intelligence, Networking, and Parallel/Distributed Computing (SNPD2008)
Phuket, Thailand, IEEE Computer Society

visual frame element